Friday, September 11, 2009


The sleeping trio

This picture is just too cute so had to post it. Jazz is on the left, Ted is in the middle and the wavy girl, yet to be named is on the right.


Tuesday, September 08, 2009


2 weeks old

These pups are 2 weeks old today. Their eyes are all open and they are trying out their legs somewhat unsteadily. They tend to group together like this when Raven is out of the whelping box. Surprisingly, she spends 3/4 of her time in the box. She is an excellent mother and they are very well fed. She does leave them for half an hour a day so we can get in a walk and she still gets a swim most days. There is a lamp in the box that keeps them warm when she is not there.

The one in the middle is a wavy girl and the most active one is the curly girl. Ted, the boy, is the far left one.

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