Thursday, January 13, 2011


We've got snow!

We have just returned from our walk. Kingsley and Raven always "work" on the walk home by carrying something, Raven a "squeeky" and Kingsley my mitt. Fortunately, I have a rural sideroad rarely traveled but plowed on which I walk.
More hints on puppy training--- Raven would growl at her pups and that was all needed to make them leave her alone usually. So you all could try the gutteral low growl or some such sound that is distinct. Also. in training, always preceed a command with pup's name. This defines the command for her, not Max or Murphy or your child. It also reinforces the learning of a name. Keep the command simple, they will learn the words. Be consistent, a certain behavior always receives a response. Always carry a few treats, little pieces of dried liver, weiners, etc and try to catch good behavior and reward that. I truly believe in reinforcing good behavior. Remember, these babies are learning a tremendous amount every day.
Socializing to strangers, children, other dogs is important so get them out as much as you can.

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