Friday, April 20, 2012

I have become a new breeder of Portuguese Water Dogs. I have had my first litter of porty pups on Mother's Day, May 16th, 2006. E-mail contact is:
I live in the country and decided to purchase a dog in 2004, the year I retired from teaching. After extensive research, I chose the porty. What a wonderful animal! My first one was Penny. She is fun, intelligent, loyal and very much a people dog. She loves the water, walks and play. I decided more people need to enjoy this breed so I chose to breed her. Her first litter was 9 beauties in 2006. Kingsley was added to the family in Feb.,2006. He is a wonderful, easy going pet. I decided to show him. He became a champ in 5 weekends and took best puppy in show 3 times!! With Kingsley, Penny produced a second litter of 7 pups in 2007. Penny was rehomed after 2 litters and Raven arrived in Sept.,2007. I do not anticipate adding any more porties to my family. Check out the PWDCC link for more info on this wonderful breed. I am a member of this club.